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Zeyna 阿育吠陀潤髮焗油

Zeyna 阿育吠陀潤髮焗油

此阿育吠陀頭部護理油可激活頭蓋毛囊, 幫助毛髮生長, 修復受損頭髮及另頭髮亮麗健康.

把阿育吠陀頭部護理油加熱後按摩頭蓋, 可刺激血液循環, 使血液直達毛囊根部, 促進毛髮生長. 連續使用六個月後,你可發現頭髮的質量及長度會增加.

{{shoplineProductReview.avg_score}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{shoplineProductReview.total}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
數量 組合數量
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



{{'products.quick_cart.out_of_number_hint'| translate}}

{{'product.preorder_limit.hint'| translate}}

每筆訂單限購 {{ product.max_order_quantity }} 件

現庫存只剩下 {{ quantityOfStock }} 件


Zeyna Ayurvedic Hair Oil is specially formulated to revitalize the scalp, stimulate hair growth, repair damaged strands, and enhance the natural shine of your hair. This unique oil offers a range of benefits, including improved blood circulation to the scalp, increased hair volume, and the synergistic action of traditional Indian therapeutic oils.

To effectively use Zeyna Ayurvedic Hair Oil, follow these simple steps: gently heat the oil to a warm temperature, section your hair, and massage the oil into your scalp for 15 minutes. This massage helps stimulate the hair follicles and enhance blood circulation to the roots. Next, apply the oil from the roots to the tips of your hair, ensuring thorough coverage, and leave it in for an additional 30 minutes. Finally, rinse off the oil using shampoo and lukewarm water.

Zeyna Ayurvedic Hair Oil combines the healing properties of herbs like turmeric, tulsi, brahmi, and rosemary with nourishing oils such as coconut, almond, and castor oil. Inspired by ancient Indian medical practices, this oil is designed to be massaged into the scalp for maximum effectiveness. Experience the revitalizing benefits of Zeyna Ayurvedic Hair Oil, and enjoy repaired, lustrous, and healthy-looking hair.

Zeyna 阿育吠陀養髮油經特殊調配,能活躍頭皮、促進髮絲生長、修護受損髮絲並提升髮絲的自然光澤。這款獨特的養髮油帶來多重好處,包括促進頭皮血液循環、增加髮量,以及結合傳統印度療癒油的協同作用。

為了有效使用 Zeyna 阿育吠陀養髮油,請按照以下簡單步驟進行:將養髮油微熱,區分頭髮部位,輕輕按摩頭皮 15 分鐘。這樣的按摩有助於刺激髮囊,增強根部的血液循環。接著,將養髮油從髮根塗抹至髮梢,確保全面覆蓋,再保留 30 分鐘。最後,用洗髮精和溫水沖洗髮油。

Zeyna 阿育吠陀養髮油結合了黃薑、印度九葉蘭、婆羅門草和迷迭香等草藥的療效,並添加了椰子油、杏仁油和蓖麻油等滋養油。這款養髮油受到古老印度醫學實踐的啟發,旨在通過按摩頭皮最大程度發揮效果。體驗 Zeyna 阿育吠陀養髮油帶來的活躍效果,享受修護、光澤和健康的髮絲。



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{{'product.product_review.no_review' | translate}}