Alepia Organic Castor Oil is a remarkable solution that promotes beautiful hair and softens the skin. Packed with fatty acids, it stimulates healthy hair and skin cell growth, brightening the complexion and improving skin texture. With Omega 6 and 9, it prevents hair fall, breakage, and damage. This oil also provides essential vitamins and minerals for healthy, radiant skin.

How to use:

For Skin: Apply 2-3 drops directly to the face, gently massaging until warm.

For Hair: Massage a few drops into the scalp or use as a hair mask on dry hair. Leave for two hours, cover your head with a shower cap and leave for 2 hours then wash with shampoo.

The laxative properties of Castor oil have been found to be beneficial in the treatment of psoriasis. Additionally, Castor oil is known for its natural antiviral and antibacterial properties, making it a popular choice for treating dermatitis and fungal infections.

Alepia 有機蓖麻油能促進秀髮和肌膚的美麗。富含脂肪酸,它刺激健康的秀髮和肌膚細胞生長,提亮膚色,改善肌膚質地。擁有 Omega 6 和 9,它能有效防止秀髮掉落、斷裂和損傷。這種油還提供了必要的維生素和礦物質,使肌膚保持健康光彩。

